Our journey with Ngāi Tahu has been one of learning, respect and partnership. We were first asked to assist with the launch and ongoing marketing for the Wigram Skies subdivision by Ngāi Tahu Property back in 2009. This led to us being invited to work with the other Holdings group companies and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Over the years our work has touched an incredibly broad range of areas, from brand development, to print work, web development and digital marketing; and covering everything from annual reports to packaging, signage and trade show displays. We also helped launch the very successful Prestons and Te Whāriki subdivisions and Wigram Business Park. More recently we have been working as strategic lead on the iwi brand and web rebuild projects, alongside providing strategic and design support for a variety of other initiatives.
We have come to understand and deeply appreciate the goals and values of the iwi, and work proudly to support and uphold the tribal whakataukī: "Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – for us and our children after us".
So, what
would you
like to change?
Talk to our experts to review your needs and learn how we can help.